About plug#
plug# initially was going to be called plug++ (plug Plus Plus) as a project started by Yals on 2015, but with plug's shutdown incoming the development not only slowed down but was forced to stop once it closed. After a while, two of the devs met on the musiqpad (plug.dj alternative) team, with those being Caipira (former Origem Woot Developer) and Burkes. After a little bit of talk, Caipira shared he wanted to leave Origem's legacy in the past, easy ranks, stealing code, exploits and such. With that in mind, Burkes invited him and Yals to work on something, which was going to be plug++'s comeback, but ended up being renamed.
Right now we're on Alpha and aiming to hit Beta in the next month, bringing many more new and exciting things for all the users to enjoy!